
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 7 Agosto, 2000
US$ 119.00



DBExpert è un software per creare applicazioni con un gestore integrato per database relazionali.

DBExpert, nel suo disegno e nell'interfaccia, è completamente orientato agli oggetti. Offre tutte le funzioni necessarie ad uno sviluppo veloce di database per mezzo di Tabelle, Form, Repost, Query e Macro.

Anche quando si inizia da zero, creare un database è facile grazie a form che descrivono i campi delle vostre tabelle. Non è necessario imparare un linguaggio per la definizione dei dati.

Sono necessarie delle varianti? Nessun problema. Si cambiano semplicemente le informazioni del form e DBExpert cambierà automaticamente anche le definizioni del corrispondente database migrando i vostri dati.

Avete già dei dati? DBExpert lavora tranquillamente con database DB2, dBASE, Clipper, FoxPro ed Oracle, in modo autonomo o simultaneamente ad altre applicazioni. DBExpert può importare anche molti form basati su file di dati in formato ASCII fisso o delimitato.

Incorpora la potenza di SQL e del REXX

C'è vera potenza dietro l'interfaccia. Le query che si creano con DBExpert sono tradotte internamente in SQL per accedere al database. Si può visualizzare ed editare in SQL allo stesso modo e le varianti si rifletteranno identicamente nell'interfaccia punta-e-clicca.

Per situazioni più impegnative, si possono usare delle macro per processare i dati. Ed il linguaggio macro di DBExpert non è per niente qualcosa di nuovo e assolutamente impossibile da apprendere, se addirittura non lo si conosce già - infatti è il REXX. Queste macro possono essere eseguite direttamente oppure collegate agli eventi su cui si basano i form, come fossero il "campo successivo", il "record successivo" o "precedente" collegandsi così all' aggiornamento del database.

Inoltre è possibile integrare tutto insieme, anche chiamate a vostre macro REXX, direttamente dalle query SQL. Nessun altro prodotto combina insieme tali possibilità.

DBExpert include anche dozzine di funzioni che estendono il REXX ed offrono accesso a tabelle, query, report e form DBExpert.

In aggiunta a tutta la potenza offerta dal REXX, da SQL, e dall'utilizzo del punta-e-clicca, DBExpert supporta diversi altri formati e database. Invece di usare un database proprietario, DBExpert consente di usare il formato che preferite e può anche utilizzarne più di uno contemporaneamente, nello stesso form, consentendovi di combinare informazioni da diverse fonti.

La conversione di dati da un formato all'altro è virtualmente automatica. DBExpert gestisce tutte le differenze di formato dei diversi database in uso per prevenire la perdita di dati. Si possono anche miscelare formati di database in una singola applicazione DBExpert.

D'altro canto, se la semplicità è quello che state cercando, DBExpert fa al caso vostro. E' il database relazionale per sistemi OS/2 più completo che si possa usare disponibile sul mercato, senza la necessità di programmare in SQL.

DBExpert supporta i seguenti formati di Database:

  • dBASE IV
  • Clipper
  • FoxPro
  • FoxBASE
  • DB2 per OS/2 (UDB e versioni più recenti)
  • DB2 su altre piattaforme (via UDB, DB2 Connect, o DDCS/2)
  • Oracle 7 per OS/2

DBExpert inoltre include il supporto per importare file ASCII in formato fisso o delimitato.
I requisiti di sistema di DBExpert sono gli stessi di OS/2, più 5 Mbyte di spazio disco. Si può eseguire su OS/2 2.0 o superiore (incluso OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect e Warp Server). DBExpert è compatibile Warp 4 e pronto per la rete! Non è richiesto software aggiuntivo per usare dBASE III, dBASE IV, Clipper, FoxPro, o le tabelle di FoxBASE con DBExpert.

Per usare le tabelle di DB2 con DBExpert (localmente o su un server DB2 UDB), si deve installare l'appropriata versione di DB2 per OS/2 oppure si deve installare il Client per abilitare l'applicazione DB2. Per accedere a tabelle DB2 su altre piattaforme (tipo DB2 per MVS/ESA, DB2 per OS/400, DB2 per VSE & VM, precedenti SQL/DS) è richiesto anche DB2 Connect (o una versione aggiornata di DDCS/2, più appropriata).

Per usare tabelle Oracle con DBExpert, si deve installare Oracle 7 per OS/2.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Disponibile in formato ZIP e su floppy disk autoinstallante:

  • scaricare il pacchetto ZIP in una cartella temporanea e scompattarlo nella cartella di destinazione;
  • La distribuzione su floppy disk è autoinstallante.

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Documentazione in linea

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Dbexpert sys3175 reduce error (25/2/2018, Roberto Gainza) Readme/What's new
Application name: cpul2-1.cmd What it does ?, It serves to reduce SYS3175 errors of Dbexpert, and perhaps other applications with a similar problem. That results in the unexpected closure of the application. How does it work: Read the cpu, with the program cpu.exe that is in Arca50 or higher. Calculate a percentage of use of the CPU, and find the most appropriate time to launch the desired program. Because of this, it does not repair anything and does not modify anything. It also does not guarantee 100% reliability in the target, but it reduces errors by approximately 90 to 95% o more. *In cpul2-1 this is 99% free of error. What do you need to use it: Arca50, or have the pcu.exe program installed. I have not tried it on ecs. Can not run on 4os2 only on os2 comman com How to use it in the Dbexpert: 1- Create a macro with the name you want. Similar to Mcpul2. 2- Make a copy paste of the text of cpul2.cmd, and put it in new macro, save. 3- Make a call to this macro, from any other macro in the dbexpert, just before the problematic process. Similar to: rc = dbeopen ('macro', 'mcpul2') Improvable things: Read the number of installed processors, and calculate the average with more values. And others.... Author: Roberto Gainza
DBExpert v. 2.0.9 (update, 7/8/2000) Readme/What's new
DBExpert(tm) Relational Database for OS/2 from Sundial Systems List of Problem Fixes (FIXLIST.TXT) August 2000 This file contains a brief listing of each problem which has been fixed in DBExpert since the release of Version 2.0. The following problems were fixed in DBExpert version 2.0.9: * Executing large numbers of UPDATE (or INSERT) queries (possibly indirectly through other queries) gradually slows down query execution speed and eventually causes random failures, erroneous error messages, and possibly program lockup * Printing or previewing when a default printer is needed and no default printer is found displays a confusing error message * Import or export requests stop processing records if the main application window is minimized or hidden * Title bar of Preview window shows report name rather than report title * If an error occurs while running a macro on application startup, there is no obvious way to keep the application open * If the table names or totals options in the query designer are toggled on or off while some column attributes are being edited or selected, completing the entry or selection operation displays an erroneous error message * If a query is set to sort on other than the first column, that column becomes the first column once the query is saved and the query designer is closed * Reports with page footers which contain MLE fields which can grow, and which do grow to overlap past the bottom on the page, do not properly continue printing after the remainder of the footer is printed on the next page * Report detail sections which are set to "keep together" but which grow larger than the available page size never print * Query designer doesn't properly handle column inserts when multiple copies of the same table or query are used as sources in a single query * Queries involving conditions on identical column names from different tables may not properly associate the conditions with the correct table * Modifying column name of a table prevents any query that involves a join operation on that column from being opened in the query designer * MLE controls on forms do not visually refresh when their value is changed using dbeSetValue() * Alt+letter keyboard shortcuts do not work in the main portions of forms that contain a header and footer * Some report formatting options are not properly reset after a header or footer is removed from a report * Export improperly also lists INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MAKE TABLE queries as possible sources (rather than only tables and SELECT queries) * dbeInt() returns incorrect value for 0 or any negative whole number * dbeSubStr() incorrectly uses 1, rather than the maximum value, for the count parameter if the count is not specified * dbeRunApp() does not correctly handle running of .CMD files * dbeChr() returns incorrect value if called in a macro * ASCII 'ff' (decimal 256) characters in imported data cause random problems during import and when viewing/using resulting table rows * Length attribute of report fields is ignored when displaying data on reports * Vertically scrolled windows in the query designer sometimes cannot be scrolled back into position after closing and reopening the design * Table window positions in the query designer are not always properly restored after closing and reopening the design * Some very long expressions and conditions in the query designer are truncated after closing and reopening the design * Update queries which involve join operations sometimes update the incorrect rows of the underlying tables * Some update queries which involve a join and an update on the "read only side" of a 1-to-N join would appear to execute rather than display the appropriate error message * Attempting to create a new application when OS/2 Warp FixPak 11 is installed sometimes causes and erroneous error and then application can't be created
 hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/server/database/DBExpert_upd_2-0-9.zip  local copy
DBExpert v. 2.0.9 (runtime update, 7/8/2000) Readme/What's new
DBExpert(tm) Relational Database for OS/2 from Sundial Systems List of Problem Fixes (FIXLIST.TXT) August 2000 This file contains a brief listing of each problem which has been fixed in DBExpert since the release of Version 2.0. The following problems were fixed in DBExpert version 2.0.9: * Executing large numbers of UPDATE (or INSERT) queries (possibly indirectly through other queries) gradually slows down query execution speed and eventually causes random failures, erroneous error messages, and possibly program lockup * Printing or previewing when a default printer is needed and no default printer is found displays a confusing error message * Import or export requests stop processing records if the main application window is minimized or hidden * Title bar of Preview window shows report name rather than report title * If an error occurs while running a macro on application startup, there is no obvious way to keep the application open * If the table names or totals options in the query designer are toggled on or off while some column attributes are being edited or selected, completing the entry or selection operation displays an erroneous error message * If a query is set to sort on other than the first column, that column becomes the first column once the query is saved and the query designer is closed * Reports with page footers which contain MLE fields which can grow, and which do grow to overlap past the bottom on the page, do not properly continue printing after the remainder of the footer is printed on the next page * Report detail sections which are set to "keep together" but which grow larger than the available page size never print * Query designer doesn't properly handle column inserts when multiple copies of the same table or query are used as sources in a single query * Queries involving conditions on identical column names from different tables may not properly associate the conditions with the correct table * Modifying column name of a table prevents any query that involves a join operation on that column from being opened in the query designer * MLE controls on forms do not visually refresh when their value is changed using dbeSetValue() * Alt+letter keyboard shortcuts do not work in the main portions of forms that contain a header and footer * Some report formatting options are not properly reset after a header or footer is removed from a report * Export improperly also lists INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MAKE TABLE queries as possible sources (rather than only tables and SELECT queries) * dbeInt() returns incorrect value for 0 or any negative whole number * dbeSubStr() incorrectly uses 1, rather than the maximum value, for the count parameter if the count is not specified * dbeRunApp() does not correctly handle running of .CMD files * dbeChr() returns incorrect value if called in a macro * ASCII 'ff' (decimal 256) characters in imported data cause random problems during import and when viewing/using resulting table rows * Length attribute of report fields is ignored when displaying data on reports * Vertically scrolled windows in the query designer sometimes cannot be scrolled back into position after closing and reopening the design * Table window positions in the query designer are not always properly restored after closing and reopening the design * Some very long expressions and conditions in the query designer are truncated after closing and reopening the design * Update queries which involve join operations sometimes update the incorrect rows of the underlying tables * Some update queries which involve a join and an update on the "read only side" of a 1-to-N join would appear to execute rather than display the appropriate error message * Attempting to create a new application when OS/2 Warp FixPak 11 is installed sometimes causes and erroneous error and then application can't be created
 hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/dev/runtimes/misc/DBExpert_rt_2-0-9.zip  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 05/08/2023 - 18:12


New Links: - https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/dev/runtimes/misc/DBExpert_rt_2-0-9.zip - https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/server/database/DBExpert_upd_2-0-9.zip - https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/server/database/DBExpert_cpul2-1_2018-02-25.zip

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