jPDF Tweak

Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 9 Aprile, 2007



Authors/Port authors:

Applicazione con interfaccia grafica per documenti PDF con funzioni da coltellino svizzero: combina, divide, ruota, riordina, gestisce la filigrana, edita segnalibri/informazioni file/mutamenti di pagine, compressione, cifratura, decifratura, firma, riparazione, consente di editare allegati e molto altro! Potete usarlo per fare libri stampabili partendo dai vostri PDF, aggiungere segnalibri, effetti, combinare più file PDF, aggiungere filigrana, ruotare le pagine che non si adattano bene, aggiungere file ai vostri PDF, cifrare e firmare i vostri PDF, cambiare i metadati (come autore e parole chiave) e molto di più! Open source sotto Licenza Affero GNU Public.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

jPDF Tweak v. 1.1 (19/12/2011, schierlm) Readme/What's new
ChangeLog ~~~~~~~~~ +++ 2011-12-19 Released version 1.1 +++ - Add new interleave option to CLI and GUI to interleave two documents - Add support to add empty pages before including a PdfPageRange - Add new -crop option to GUI and CLI to crop the document to one of the PDF Page Boxes (if the document contains them) - Add "book printing" feature: Repeat shuffle rule for blocks of a fixed size - Add "Split 2-Up" shuffle rule contributed by Paolo Bonzini <bonzini at gnu dot org> - Add new function to export PDF pages as images in various image formats or export PDF Documents to multi-page TIFF on supported platforms, uses native JMuPdf library - Bug fixes and internal improvements: * Update iText (5.1.3), BouncyCastle (1.46), JGoodies Forms (1.4.2) and Proguard (4.6); iText fixes (among other things) incorrect page label rendering for EMPTY page labels * Show an error if page number label does not fit completely inside the page bounding box * Properly complain when trying to sign with an alias that has no private key assigned * Properly reject font sizes of 0 on the Watermark tab as they will cause a crash later * Create proper error messages when using invalid Page specification in a shuffle rule * Try to load the PDF in non-partial mode if loading in partial mode fails, since non-partial mode can rebuild the xref table when broken. * change the way to generate empty pages in shuffle rules; the new way will create slightly smaller PDFs * create directory for burst pages if it does not exist * Use page labels in burst filenames if present
jPDF Tweak v. 1.1 (19/12/2011, schierlm) Readme/What's new
ChangeLog ~~~~~~~~~ +++ 2011-12-19 Released version 1.1 +++ - Add new interleave option to CLI and GUI to interleave two documents - Add support to add empty pages before including a PdfPageRange - Add new -crop option to GUI and CLI to crop the document to one of the PDF Page Boxes (if the document contains them) - Add "book printing" feature: Repeat shuffle rule for blocks of a fixed size - Add "Split 2-Up" shuffle rule contributed by Paolo Bonzini <bonzini at gnu dot org> - Add new function to export PDF pages as images in various image formats or export PDF Documents to multi-page TIFF on supported platforms, uses native JMuPdf library - Bug fixes and internal improvements: * Update iText (5.1.3), BouncyCastle (1.46), JGoodies Forms (1.4.2) and Proguard (4.6); iText fixes (among other things) incorrect page label rendering for EMPTY page labels * Show an error if page number label does not fit completely inside the page bounding box * Properly complain when trying to sign with an alias that has no private key assigned * Properly reject font sizes of 0 on the Watermark tab as they will cause a crash later * Create proper error messages when using invalid Page specification in a shuffle rule * Try to load the PDF in non-partial mode if loading in partial mode fails, since non-partial mode can rebuild the xref table when broken. * change the way to generate empty pages in shuffle rules; the new way will create slightly smaller PDFs * create directory for burst pages if it does not exist * Use page labels in burst filenames if present
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 23/09/2023 - 18:13

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