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Visual REXX

Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 9 Settembre, 1992



VREXX (Visual REXX) è una libreria che permette agli utenti OS/2 di sviluppare applicazioni per Presentation Manager tramite il REXX. VREXX fornisce un insieme di funzioni che possono essere chiamate da procedure REXX. Queste funzioni permettono di aprire e chiudere finestre di PM, controllandone posizione e dimensioni. Funzioni di Dialog box permettono la selezione di files, la stampa di messaggi, l'inserimento di numeri o stringhe di testo e di effettuare selezioni singole o multiple tramite controlli radiobutton, checkbox o listbox. Sono inoltre disponibili dialog di selezione dei colori o dei font, insieme a dialog box più complessi. Sono inoltre disponibili funzioni grafiche per l'accensione di pixel, il tracciamento di linee e marcatori, poligoni, spline, archi, cerchi e testo in più font.

La libreria inclusa nel pacchetto consente di accedere direttamente alle funzioni GDI dell'API di OS/2 utilizzando il linguaggio REXX.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Visual REXX v. 1.1 (19/1/1994, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Richard B. Lam) Readme/What's new
VREXX VREXX is Visual REXX for OS/2 Presentation Manager! VREXX allows you to write standard OS/2 REXX command files which can create and control PM windows. VREXX also dynamically constructs dialog boxes which allow filename selection, font and color selection, string input, and message display. Other functions allow selection of items through listbox, radiobutton and checkbox dialogs. VREXX also supports graphical text output in 14 different fonts, as well as pixel, marker, polyline, polygon, spline and arc drawing functions. You DO NOT need to be a PM programmer to use VREXX! Here is a complete VREXX hello world program, with an additional message box at the end: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* HELLO.CMD */ /* initialize VREXX external functions */ '@echo off' call RXFUNCADD 'VInit', 'VREXX', 'VINIT' initcode = VInit() if initcode = 'ERROR' then signal CLEANUP signal on failure name CLEANUP signal on halt name CLEANUP signal on syntax name CLEANUP /* do hello, world window */ position.left = 25 /* put window in the center of the screen */ position.bottom = 25 /* coordinates are % of screen */ position.right = 75 = 75 /* open the window and draw the text string */ id = VOpenWindow('My VREXX Window', 'WHITE', position) call VSay id, 300, 500, 'Hello, world' /* put up a 1 line message box - when user presses ok, end the program */ msg.0 = 1 msg.1 = 'Press OK to end the HELLO.CMD program' call VMsgBox 'HELLO.CMD', msg, 1 call VCloseWindow id CLEANUP: call VExit /* terminate VREXX */ exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the procedure just like any other REXX procedure, by typing hello or start hello.cmd at an OS/2 command prompt. On-line help is available by typing: view vrexx.inf VREXX was written by Richard B. Lam at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.  local copy
Visual REXX v. 1.1 (29/10/1993, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Richard B. Lam) Readme/What's new
VREXX VREXX is Visual REXX for OS/2 Presentation Manager! VREXX allows you to write standard OS/2 REXX command files which can create and control PM windows. VREXX also dynamically constructs dialog boxes which allow filename selection, font and color selection, string input, and message display. Other functions allow selection of items through listbox, radiobutton and checkbox dialogs. VREXX also supports graphical text output in 14 different fonts, as well as pixel, marker, polyline, polygon, spline and arc drawing functions. You DO NOT need to be a PM programmer to use VREXX! Here is a complete VREXX hello world program, with an additional message box at the end: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* HELLO.CMD */ /* initialize VREXX external functions */ '@echo off' call RXFUNCADD 'VInit', 'VREXX', 'VINIT' initcode = VInit() if initcode = 'ERROR' then signal CLEANUP signal on failure name CLEANUP signal on halt name CLEANUP signal on syntax name CLEANUP /* do hello, world window */ position.left = 25 /* put window in the center of the screen */ position.bottom = 25 /* coordinates are % of screen */ position.right = 75 = 75 /* open the window and draw the text string */ id = VOpenWindow('My VREXX Window', 'WHITE', position) call VSay id, 300, 500, 'Hello, world' /* put up a 1 line message box - when user presses ok, end the program */ msg.0 = 1 msg.1 = 'Press OK to end the HELLO.CMD program' call VMsgBox 'HELLO.CMD', msg, 1 call VCloseWindow id CLEANUP: call VExit /* terminate VREXX */ exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the procedure just like any other REXX procedure, by typing hello or start hello.cmd at an OS/2 command prompt. On-line help is available by typing: view vrexx.inf VREXX was written by Richard B. Lam at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
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